Great Lakes Partnership Offers Celebrant Training

The state of Michigan has nine new certified celebrants – thanks to the training offered by Glenda Stansbury from InSight Books.

More funeral homes are offering the services of certified celebrants to their customers. Celebrants provide an alternative to traditional services, which is especially appealing for families who are not affiliated with a church or do not wish to have a religious funeral service.

“We couldn’t be happier to sponsor this ever-relevant training. We are grateful we can prepare our clients to better meet the needs of their customers,” Jon O’Hara of Great Lakes Partnership said. 

During this intensive three-day session, the trainees learned to design entirely personal services, incorporating the unique stories, songs, and experiences that defined the deceased. 

Allison Voorhess of Wm. Sullivan and Son Funeral Directors participated in the training. 

“The role of a celebrant felt like it could be a natural extension of funeral directing. As a director, I strive to earn the trust of families I serve and value the stories those families share with me that made their loved one unique. As a certified celebrant, I now have the skillset and resources to weave those stories with opportunities for participation, and use of media, to create a service that honors the decedent and allows survivors to journey in their grief,” Voorhess said. 

Funeral homes that offer certified celebrants report satisfied families and attendees. 

“We are anxious to hear all the success stories of how the new celebrants used their training to make their clients’ services memorable and personalized,” O’Hara said.

To learn more about becoming a certified celebrant, visit InSight’s website

About Great Lakes Partnership

The Great Lakes Partnership (GLP) is revolutionizing preplanning using the power of professional relationships. We support these relationships with superior marketing materials and financial instruments. Our core mission is to improve the preplanning process for families and the professionals who serve them; including funeral homes, advance funeral planners and estate planners.

To learn more about how GLP is ‘redefining preplanning’, please reach out directly to Jon O’Hara, CEO, at 586.636.6611, by email, or visit us at

Visit the Great Lakes Partnership Facebook page to see photos from the training.


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